Tuesday 30 November 2010

Mom, can you make me a quilt???

Chat over Skype with my DD in London:

DD: Mom, can you make me a simple quilt?
Me: sure, but all fabrics are in the container on their way to Brazil...
DD: well, you can buy some new ones!
Me: I will be leaving in 2 weeks!
DD: I was thinking about a simple one with only squares, big squares
Me: hmmm
DD: :-))
Me: what colours would you like
DD: can you make me with some Asian fabrics? I miss Singapore...
Me: I will see what I can do
DD: :-))

Well, what can you do when your child wants you to make a quilt and you like doing this? I have 2 weeks left before I leave for Sao Paulo and not much on hands, so why not! My DD has lived in Singapore for almost 8 years, during her teenage years, and during the wintertime she misses the tropics a lot.

Can you imagine how happy I was to find a wide selection of Java batiks in a new fabric shop in The Hague?! They bring back good memories.
I will cut blocks of 25cm square and sew them randomly in rows.

This should be easy and quick, right?

I you are interested in the new fabric shop, it is De Boerenbonthal Stoffen. They have a shop in Amsterdam and since November 9 opened their second shop in The Hague at de Papenstraat.

Java batiks and boerenbont (traditional farmers cloth), two traditional fabrics the Dutch have a lot to do with!
I better get going and focus on this Asian batik quilt. Hilde


  1. Ha Hilde,
    Batikstoffen doen mij herinneren aan het zelf batikken met was en dan verschillende kleurbaden.
    Was vorige week in de Papestraat het leuke bloemenwinkeltje Seti Fiori is weg maar op de hoek zit deze nieuwe stoffenwinkel natuurlijk even binnen gelopen. En ook even de boekenmarkt Parimar ingelopen. De portomonnee is dicht gebleven, hihi, goed hè!
    Al een definitieve datum voor vertrek?
    Snort de naaimachiene al?
    Groetjes Marijke

  2. word helemaal sentimenteel van die batiks. Holland Village Singapore...... DD boft maar met zo'n moeder

  3. Ach, je zat je toch maar te vervelen hè?
    Wat een slecht excuus om gewoon weer nieuwe lapjes te kopen ;) Doorwerken!

  4. We used to live in Singapore but I think we will miss snowy winters more than the tropics. Happy Advent!


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