Friday 19 February 2016

Made in Ghana

Even een show and tell van een paar dozen die deze week gemaakt
zijn tijdens de workshops beginners box making.

Just a show and tell of some of the boxes that were made during 
the workshops Box Making this past week

...en zelf heb ik ook nog iets uitgevoerd: een sieraden doos met lade. Deze staat nu in mijn 'winkeltje',
helaas niet op Etsy want versturen vanuit Ghana is een kostbare aangelegenheid

...and I made this Jewelry box which is going on the shelf of my 'shop', 
unfortunately I can't sell on Etsy as sending from Ghana is too expensive

measurements 20x30x10cm

Groetjes Hilde


  1. Complimenten voor de maaksters.

  2. Ze hebben er mooie dozen van gemaakt. Leuke stof doet ook al zoveel

  3. You are doing so well already in Ghana with your box making workshops. Can you get everything locally? Cardboard, book linen, paper? Fabric doesn't seem to be a problem at all ;)! I love the jewellery box you've made. Is it covered with fabric or paper?

    1. Hi Vreni,
      Cardboard is available when in stock. There is a good French arts and crafts shop which stocks a type of cardboard slightly different from the grey board, a bit more expensive but very useful! I stocked up on it and bought almost all boards they had😝
      Papers and bookbinders linen are not available, so all boxes are covered on the out and inside with fabrics. The technique is a little bit different but the results are good! So yes, the big box is made with fabric too!
      Next time I will take a picture from the fabric first and show that as well 😉

  4. Prachtige dozen. Goeie studenten en een uitstekende juf. Je eigen doos is ook schitterend.


Thanks for coming by! I love to hear your comments!