Friday 12 November 2010

Please vote for me!

My Mini Schnauzer Spetter and my quilt Floating Flowers are entered  in the Weekly Quilt Contest from Quilting Gallery.
I hope you can take the time and visit us here.
After you have chosen by clicking on the circular button next to the name, please scroll down all the way, until you get to the bottom of the names of quilts. Then press the VOTE button.

 Spetter and I need all your votes!
Woof! Hilde


  1. Of course I will vote for you!!!
    Roland said hi! Liv and I went today to get the book linen. We also went to the cardboard shop. So now she is set to start her classes in Norway. Talk soon. Vreni x

  2. Zo, je staat nu gedeeld 1e met Il viaggio. Veel succes met de stemming.

  3. Gestemd hoor, 9 stemmen je staat bovenaan, hihi.
    Groetjes Marijke

  4. Done Hilde! your quilt is extraordinary and your little poppet is pretty cute too.


Thanks for coming by! I love to hear your comments!